Setting encrypted backup Email serverAdministration

Setting encrypted backup Email server

April 14, 2013

There is a popular Internet saying that people are divided into two groups - those who make backups, and those who will. I strongly believe into that, that's why despite that I trust my mailserver setup completely, I still want to keep them in some other safe place. Probably somewhere, where somebody else takes care of everything :) That's why I chose ZOHO MAIL as my backup server.

Mostly for three reasons:

  • They have IMAP
  • They have enough space for free
  • They also provide a nice webmail

So my next task was to configure postfix in a way, that it will deliver all the messages as it does currently, but also forward them to Of course I wasn't THAT crazy, to send my private emails over the Internet as they are, so I also needed some kind of encryption before that. It appeared that somebody had the same problem, and there is a tool for that called gpg-mailgate. Unfortunately it's a very unfinished application, and lots of things doesn't work (multipart messages support, attachmenets encryption, extra email encryption and so on), so I needed to do a little bit of extra hacking. And I strongly recommend you, to use my version if you thinking about encrypting your email out of the box. Ok, that's for the beginning - let's do some configuration!

Setting gpg

First thing is to install and configure a gpg account. I strongly recommend to not to use your gpg keys (if you already have some), but create new, clean key. Also, we need a new user in the file system for postfix to handle key support. Lastly, gpg-mailgate comes with a Python library, which also needs to be installed.

Install GPG:

apt-get install gpg

Create a gpg user and give him the key (don't forget to disable the password, and set trust to ultimate - otherwise tour scripts will stop to ask about confirmation - and eventually fail):

useradd -s /bin/false -d /var/gpg -M gpgmap
mkdir -p /var/gpg/.gnupg
chown -R gpgmap /var/gpg
chmod 700 /var/gpg/.gnupg
sudo -u gpgmap /usr/bin/gpg --gen-key --homedir=/var/gpg/.gnupg
sudo -u gpgmap gpg --edit-key trust quit

Setting gpg-mailgate

Install GnuPG Python library, and gpg-mailgate itself:

cd /root
git clone
cd gpg-mailgate
cp -R GnuPG /usr/lib/python2.6
cp /usr/local/bin/
cp gpg-mailgate.conf.sample /etc/gpg-mailgate.conf

Config file is pretty explanatory - what you have to change is "domains" parameter (put only domains, which you want to receive encrypted messages), keyhome (set to /var/gpg/.gnupg) and keymap (map all the emails which should receive encrypted content there - follow the hint in file). So all in all your config file should look similar to this:


add_header = yes
domains =

keyhome = /var/gpg/.gnupg

file = /tmp/gpg-mailgate.log

host =
port = 10028

[keymap] = 123456789ABCDEF

Setting postfix

The last thing is postfix configuration which is (surprisingly) really easy, just activate content filter in and add relay to One last thing is to add X-GPG-* headers to tell the script, which extra email addresses we want to deliver messages encrypted. Normally gpg-mailgate encrypts only messages to addresses that are configured in gpg-mailgate.conf file and available in To/Cc/Bcc headers of original message. Unfortunatelly, we are using a totally different email intended only for backups - it will never appear in original message headers, because it's not the recipient. To make it appear - simply add X-GPG-Encrypt-Cc header to your message. So, the configuration will present as follows:


# gpg
header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks
content_filter = gpg-mailgate


/^From: .*/ PREPEND X-GPG-Encrypt-Cc:


# gpg-mailgate
gpg-mailgate    unix    -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  flags= user=gpgmap argv=/usr/local/bin/ inet    n       -       n       -       10      smtpd
        -o content_filter=
        -o receive_override_options=no_unknown_recipient_checks,no_header_body_checks
        -o smtpd_helo_restrictions=
        -o smtpd_client_restrictions=
        -o smtpd_sender_restrictions=
        -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
        -o mynetworks=
        -o smtpd_authorized_xforward_hosts=

Don't forget to create header_checks.db and restart postfix.

postmap header_checks
/etc/init.d/postfix restart

And that's pretty much everything. Send yourself an email, and enjoy your new, shiny and secure backup :)
